Wednesday, December 10, 2008

bit of a blow out

Today i had a bit of a blow out. Before recess i was moving all of my stuff so i was using a lot of energy plus i was surrounded with a lot of dust. As soon as i went to the staff room and i saw some lollies i ate them. They werent gluten free so that is one area that i have to work on. So i shoulndt have had them anyway.

Then after school i had four freddo frogs because i was so tired and tonight i had an ice cream. In the back of my mind i figure that i have worked hard to today so i deserve it plus i had a healthy dinner. However, now that i think about ALL that i have eaten across the day it makes me shudder. Its a lot of sugar.

Dont sit near the lollies in the staffroom.
Take some snacks (carbs) to the staff meeting so i dont feel like sugar.