Monday, December 15, 2008

I have made a decision

Today i have made a decision about my training next year. My training at school is ending because i am transferring. I was going to go to the gym but the truth is i hate the gym. I hate exercising on a machine that has been used by someone else that has been sweating. I also feel very exposed at the gym. I cant explain the "exposure" however, i always feel very uncomfortable being there and i also feel very alone.

The advantage of training on my own is that, not only is it going to take a lot of exercising, it is going to take a total mental overhaul. I have to BELIEVE that i can do this and i have to say it over and over again. I BELIEVE IN MYSELF AND MY ABILITIES. When i was seeing the hypno she made me listen to this tape which said " i constantly think and act in the direction of my highest good and goal" and that is what i plan to do.

I also plan to think like a thin person. There are rules of the universe that state that you ask the universe and you think as if you already have that thing. So i am going to think that i am already thin and i am already wearing sexy clothes. I have to visualise myself having achieved my goal.