Saturday, January 3, 2009

Katrina is awsome

Tonight i made a break through. All of our friends decided to go bowling. Traditionally i am hopeless at bowling, my ball is regular visitor to the gutter.

Anyway, i started bowling and i continuelly rolledmy ball into the gatter. After each ball my friends would snigger and laugh. Anyway after about 7 games i said to myself. I can do this, i love myself i am capable of anything. I also looked at my score and said "i have already achieved this much, i can do it. After that.... i actually started scoring. I came last in the whole game but who cares about that, i actually hit the pins. The first game i scored about 38.

The second game i beat my score and didnt come last. I scored 85.

The third game i started to put a bit of pressure on myself which i should do. I tried to talk myself out of it but i went about it the wrong way. I achieved my goal there was no need to put pressure on myself to score a strike. However, its going to take a considerable amount of time for me to change my way of thinking. I am not going to put pressure on myself to change a life time of habits in one sitting. I will get there, i just have to be patient with myself. I scored 58 in the third game. I came last but who cares, the highest i have ever scored in 15, i achieved something tonight. Actually i achieved a lot of things tonight. Besides my purpose was to have fun.

I was a little shaken after the bowling game, i think its because of the pressure i was putting myself under. But as i said, changing my way of thinking is going to take time.

I am on the right path, i can feel it. I just have to keep believing.