Saturday, April 11, 2009

a new lesson i have learnt tonight

Tonight i went to my mother-in-laws for dinner. Normally my in-laws cook the most beautiful roast dinners. However, i have realised that this is a danger place for me if i am ever going to be slim. Several things i have learnt tonight:

1) Just because people keep reiterating the fact that her roast dinners are nice doesnt mean i have to keep listening to it. I already know that they are nice.
2) Just because people keep saying they are hungry doenst mean that i am as well. (i have noticed this with other situations, eg husband, who is always hungry)
3) Just because everyone else keeps eating doesnt mean that i am as well.

I think that what i am trying to say is to stop listening to others. I am obviously affected by their thoughts and views. Just because they brag about how much they are going to eat, doesnt mean that i have to eat a lot as well. I cant let my moods be affected by others thoughts. Its not okay for me to overeat because others say they are going to overeat.

I must keep reminding myself of these things and remember to be prepared everytime i go to my in laws house.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

feeling a bit blah

Over ate today, ate way to many carbs, now i feel all yuck and sluggish. I dont like this feeling, i dont want to feel it again. I used to feel this way all the time and for a while i really like the comfortable feeling i was getting from loosing weight. I must remember not to do it again.