Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I am fabulous

The last few days i have been determind to change my life for the better. I have been eating really healthy and exercising everyday. My out look is changing and i am beginning to love myself more and more everyday and I am trying not to let anything effect me at all.

Yesterday i went to the city for the day. Normally i would buy myself a treat such as a chocolate or a ice cream. I didnt do that and i also had a really healthy lunch.

One thing i have been eating is rice paper rolls. I shouldn't eat to much of them because they are carbs but they are so fresh. However, they are good carbs and i would rather be eating them than a chocolate bar or something worse. Sugar makes me so sick sometimes.

I really want the weight to come off and i have never been more determined than i am right now. I want this to be my year.

Another thing is, a friend of mine i have been told might contact me. This person has hurt me very badly TWICE before. I dont think i will be making the same mistake again.


KatrinaMartin said...

Thanks, you too

Mimi to Ian, Liliana and Cooper said...

I like your determination! Perhaps we can encourage each other.

Here is to a healthier and happier new us!

