Sunday, January 18, 2009

300grams is that all??????

Today i arrived at my dietitians office ready to show off a good weight loss result. Anyway got on the scales and she did her fiddle thing (she has manual scales) anyway...... 300grams. My last consultation was 3 weeks before that. Surely i should be able to loose more than that? Now, i know that i have A LOT going against me medically but Please.... send me some decent results.

Now the positive side of me says 300 grams is better than nothing, and yes i realise that. But sometimes it gets so frustrating when you stay stagnant for such a long time and put in so much effort. All i want is a decent weight loss result, i am sick of this, i am sick of trying and getting no where.

My dietitian is frankly driving me nuts. She made the comment yesterday that it might take years for me to "feel" hungry. Does this mean that its going to take me years to loose the weight. I hope not because i am hanging by a thread here. If it takes me years i am very likely to give up.

Today i tried a different training technique which i think is like interval training. I have several hills around my area. I run or power walk up the hill then i walk very slowly down it so i have time to catch my breath back (which is great for me because i am asthmatic and i find if i keep going to hard then i trigger and attack) . I tried this once and i lasted for about 20 minutes but it was about 2:30 in the afternoon and stinking hot. Then i went home got a water bottle and went back for another 20 minutes. Anyway it was hot then too but the difference is this time every few laps i got to wet my throat which definitely made it easier. I would have kept going but it was really hot and i didn't want to push it any further than i already had. Especially seeing as my problems with fluid and mucus are still present. But i have boot camp tonight so its probably a good idea that i don't push it any further.

After spending Saturday night with a great group of friends, i wake with what feels like a bit of food stuck in my chest. I decided not to waste any time and went straight to the doctors. The doctor checks my throat and then informs me that its not food but my good friend mucus. (yuck)I have had this problem since late last year when i got a chest infection. Since then i have been getting either a cold, sinus or just continuous mucus) So the question is again, what is it that is making me sick? So far i have narrowed it down to my air conditioner, however i think its because i might actually be dehydrated because when i begain increasing my exercise i did not increased my water intake. I asked the doctor for a blood test to see if i am allergic to anything and i go back for the results on Wednesday. In the mean time he has given me another reliever which is supposed to help with mucus. I just hope that it doesn't come back environmental because then i am going to be stuck.

I cant give up, although i want to try something else. What this dietition is doing is unrealistic for me. What i should have done is lost the weight first then go and see her.

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