Saturday, February 7, 2009

no gall stones

Recently i have been in a slump because the doctor mentioned that i might have gall stones. However, i have been for the scan and i am okay. However, i do have mild fatty liver sydnrome. The Doctor said that there is a layer of fat on the outside of my liver.

Now i know people might not like me doing this. However, i have began Tony Ferguson. I need this for myself. After a not achieving anything for nearly four months i need to feel that i am achieving something. I really do feel that i am in the right frame of mind to really do some good this time.

1 comment:

Daniel Munday said...


Great to hear there's no gall stones.

What happened to our talk that we had the other week?

It ain't easy but you gotta stick with it. Shakes are not your answer. Good food and exercise like those hills you started doing.

You need to be positive about yourself before you can have results.

You need to believe that you can achieve results.

the little things today become the big things tomorrow. There was no progress for the last month because you weren't supposed to exercise.

make it happen. Sounds harsh but you'll appreciate it in the long run - trust me.
